Source code for wsgiproxy.proxies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -
# This file is part of restkit released under the MIT license.
# See the NOTICE for more information.
from webob import exc
from webob.compat import PY3, url_quote
import logging
import socket
import six
import re

    import urlparse
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    import urllib.parse as urlparse  # NOQA

    import httplib
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    import http.client as httplib  # NOQA

LOW_CHAR_SAFE = ''.join(chr(n) for n in range(128))

ABSOLUTE_URL_RE = re.compile(r"^https?://", re.I)


    "Content-Length is set to -1. This usually mean that WebOb has "
    "already parsed the content body. You should set the Content-Length "
    "header to the correct value before forwarding your request to the "
    "proxy: ``req.content_length = str(len(req.body));`` "

def rewrite_location(host_uri, location, prefix_path=None):
    prefix_path = prefix_path or ''
    url = urlparse.urlparse(location)
    host_url = urlparse.urlparse(host_uri)

    if not ABSOLUTE_URL_RE.match(location):
        # remote server doesn't follow rfc2616
        location = urlparse.urljoin(host_uri, location.lstrip('/'))
        prefix_path = prefix_path.strip('/')
        if prefix_path:
            location = location.replace(host_uri,
                                        host_uri + '/' + prefix_path)
        return location
    elif url.scheme == host_url.scheme and url.netloc == host_url.netloc:
        return urlparse.urlunparse((host_url.scheme, host_url.netloc,
                                    prefix_path + url.path, url.params,
                                    url.query, url.fragment))
    return location

[docs]class HttpClient(object): """A HTTP client using stdlib's httplib (Default client)""" HTTPConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection HTTPSConnection = httplib.HTTPSConnection def __init__(self, **connection_options): self.options = connection_options def __call__(self, uri, method, body, headers): ssl = uri.startswith('https://') ConnClass = ssl and self.HTTPSConnection or self.HTTPConnection uri = ssl and uri[8:] or uri[7:] port = ssl and 443 or 80 host, path = uri.split('/', 1) path = '/' + path if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') conn = ConnClass('%s:%s' % (host, port)) if 'Transfer-Encoding' in headers: del headers['Transfer-Encoding'] if headers.get('Content-Length'): body =['Content-Length'])) else: body = None conn.request(method, path, body, headers, **self.options) response = conn.getresponse() status = '%s %s' % (response.status, response.reason) length = response.getheader('content-length') body = if length else return (status, response.getheader('location', None), response.getheaders(), [body])
[docs]class Proxy(object): """A proxy which redirect the request to SERVER_NAME:SERVER_PORT and send HTTP_HOST header""" header_map = { 'HTTP_HOST': 'X_FORWARDED_SERVER', 'SCRIPT_NAME': 'X_FORWARDED_SCRIPT_NAME', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'X_FORWARDED_SCHEME', 'REMOTE_ADDR': 'X_FORWARDED_FOR', } def __init__(self, client=None, allowed_methods=ALLOWED_METHODS, strip_script_name=True, **client_options): self.allowed_methods = allowed_methods self.strip_script_name = strip_script_name if client is None or client == 'httplib': self.http = HttpClient(**client_options) elif hasattr(client, '__call__'): self.http = client else: mod = __import__('wsgiproxy.%s_client' % client, globals(), locals(), ['']) self.http = mod.HttpClient(**client_options) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def extract_uri(self, environ): port = None scheme = environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] if 'SERVER_NAME' in environ: host = environ['SERVER_NAME'] else: host = environ['HTTP_HOST'] if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') if not port: if 'SERVER_PORT' in environ: port = environ['SERVER_PORT'] else: port = scheme == 'https' and '443' or '80' uri = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, host, port) return uri def process_request(self, uri, method, headers, environ): return self.http(uri, method, environ['wsgi.input'], headers) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] if (self.allowed_methods is not None and method not in self.allowed_methods): return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()(environ, start_response) if 'RAW_URI' in environ: path_info = environ['RAW_URI'] elif 'REQUEST_URI' in environ: path_info = environ['REQUEST_URI'] else: if self.strip_script_name: path_info = '' else: path_info = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] path_info += environ['PATH_INFO'] if PY3: path_info = url_quote(path_info.encode('latin-1'), LOW_CHAR_SAFE) query_string = environ['QUERY_STRING'] if query_string: path_info += '?' + query_string for key, dest in self.header_map.items(): value = environ.get(key) if value: environ['HTTP_%s' % dest] = value host_uri = self.extract_uri(environ) uri = host_uri + path_info new_headers = {} for k, v in environ.items(): if k.startswith('HTTP_'): k = k[5:].replace('_', '-').title() new_headers[k] = v content_type = environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE") if content_type and content_type is not None: new_headers['Content-Type'] = content_type content_length = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH') transfer_encoding = environ.get('Transfer-Encoding', '').lower() if not content_length and transfer_encoding != 'chunked': new_headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' elif content_length: new_headers['Content-Length'] = content_length if new_headers.get('Content-Length', '0') == '-1': resp = exc.HTTPInternalServerError(detail=WEBOB_ERROR) return resp(environ, start_response) try: response = self.process_request(uri, method, new_headers, environ) except socket.timeout: return exc.HTTPGatewayTimeout()(environ, start_response) except (socket.error, socket.gaierror): return exc.HTTPBadGateway()(environ, start_response) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) return exc.HTTPInternalServerError()(environ, start_response) status, location, headerslist, app_iter = response if location: if self.strip_script_name: prefix_path = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] else: prefix_path = None new_location = rewrite_location(host_uri, location, prefix_path=prefix_path) headers = [] for k, v in headerslist: if k.lower() == 'location': v = new_location headers.append((k, v)) else: headers = headerslist start_response(status, headers) if method == "HEAD": return [six.b('')] return app_iter
[docs]class TransparentProxy(Proxy): """A proxy based on HTTP_HOST environ variable""" def extract_uri(self, environ): port = None scheme = environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] host = environ['HTTP_HOST'] if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') if not port: port = scheme == 'https' and '443' or '80' uri = '%s://%s:%s' % (scheme, host, port) return uri
[docs]class HostProxy(Proxy): """A proxy to redirect all request to a specific uri""" def __init__(self, uri, client=None, allowed_methods=ALLOWED_METHODS, strip_script_name=True, **client_options): super(HostProxy, self).__init__( client=client, allowed_methods=allowed_methods, strip_script_name=strip_script_name, **client_options) self.uri = str(uri.rstrip('/')) self.scheme, self.net_loc = urlparse.urlparse(self.uri)[0:2] def extract_uri(self, environ): environ['HTTP_HOST'] = self.net_loc return self.uri